Assault & Battery

Assault & Battery

Assault & Battery Attorney for Fort Lauderdale, FL

Business owners have an obligation to ensure their property is safe for the public to visit. This includes having proper security measures, such as: security cameras, security guards, enough lighting, etc.

Call today to schedule a free consultation.

Thousands of assault and battery incidents are reported in the state of Florida each year, while many more cases likely go unreported. You may need an attorney if you were assaulted, raped, battered, or robbed on someone else’s property. Some examples of assault and battery include:

  • Being assaulted and robbed at an ATM
  • Being assaulted, mugged and battered in the parking lot of a commercial business
  • Being assaulted, raped or battered in a hotel room
  • Being assaulted, raped, or battered in the lobby of an apartment complex
  • Being assaulted, raped, battered or robbed while at a gas station
  • Being assault, raped and battered on a college campus

If you or someone you know, has been a victim of an assault, rape, battery, etc, it is vital that you:

  • Report the incident to the police
  • Report the incident to the property owner
  • Take photographs of your injuries
  • Take photographs of the scene of the assault
  • Seek medical attention immediately
  • Have the hospital collect physical evidence of the assault
  • Request a copy of the incident report
  • Write down as many details of the assault before your memory fades/alters

An assault case liability depends on the circumstances of the assault. Every incident has a different scenario that led to the possibility of the attack. These details are important to determine liability. Therefore, the victim of an assault and battery can file a claim through the negligent party’s insurance company.


Assault and battery leaves a large impact on survivors and their families. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, crippling flashbacks are all common after an assault. Victims of assault and battery deserve compensation for the impact on their quality of life. While financial compensation cannot take away the impact of the event, it does help with recovery. Damages get provided to cover the following:

  • Cost of medical expenses for treatment
  • Cover lost wages or earnings for recovery
  • Pain and suffering caused by distress or physical injury
  •  Other costs denied by insurance coverage

Punitive damages may also apply. This is compensation used to punish the person responsible for the assault. Family members are likely eligible for compensation if their relationship with the victim is changed and/or damaged due to personal injury. Physical injuries are easier to prove, but emotional injuries are just as important.

In Florida, the statute of limitations to report an assault and battery is four years. Therefore, it is vitally important that you or someone you know report the incident as soon as possible. Hiring a lawyer for your assault and battery case helps with:

  • Handling all correspondence with insurance claims
  • Getting compensation for your recovery
  • Representing you for legal proceedings (lawsuit)
  • Keeping documents, appointments, and testimony organized

If you or someone you know has been a victim of a criminal attack while on someone else’s property, typically a commercial property, then you need a lawyer who specializes in personal security issues. DiStefano Law, LLC understands the emotional impact of surviving an assault and can help navigate who is legally responsible for your mental and physical injuries and fight for your rights.